An Extended Thank You for CEC

This is the extended thank you to all those who impacted my journey on the path to Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) with the Scrum Alliance. I @ mentioned everyone on my LinkedIn Shoutout, but redirected here for the details.

To Richard Khor for showing me the agile ways at Dude so many years ago. 

To Allen Shaver for being my first agile adoption sponsor, giving me space to coach and grow in the FinTech space and build my first team of agile coaches. 

To Hubert Smiths and Big Orange Square for teaching me how to bring scrum to tangible product development with Scrum4HW. 

To Luca Bergero for being my close friend, confidant, and thought partner.  

To Christopher Curley for working with me twice now, and being a trusted friend and advisor.

To Patrick Brooks for being a great product owner. 

To Tom Rouillard for helping me understand software delivery.

To Lyssa Adkins for showing me what it means to be a true agile coach. 

To Sue Johnston for being a cherished part of the coaching community in the Toronto area. 

To Bob Galen and the crew at Zenergy Technologies for so many opportunities to grow as an agile coach consultant. 

To Art Pittman for being my mentor along the path to professional coaching. 

To Jefim Piekarz for being a great change agent, product coach, and friend. 

To Laura Burke for teaching me so much about facilitation.

To Jason Tanner for being a guide for my endeavors as a trainer. 

To Mark Chambers for being one of the best leaders I have ever worked with, and for being so coachable. 

To Kathy Campbell for being the glue that holds the Tribe together.

To Cherie Silas and Vernon Stinebaker for reviewing my application for CTC last year and CEC this year. 

To Jesse Fewell for supporting and believing in me. 

To Howard Sublett and Melissa Boggs for their leadership in the Scrum Alliance, and for allowing me to want to stay the course with this incredible organization as we seek to transform the world of work. 

Leaving the best for last, to my incredible wife, Shaina Schreuder, for supporting me and believing in my every step of the way.


Until the Next Iteration . . .


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